McKnight, Stephen

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Libros / Books 

Artículos / Journal Publications 

  • Investment and Forward-looking Monetary Policy: A Wicksellian Solution to the Problem of Indeterminacy, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press. In Press. The working paper version is available from here. 
  • Are Consumption Taxes Preferable to Income Taxes for Preventing Macroeconomic Instability? Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming, 2017. The working paper version is available from here. 
  • Do Real Balance Effects Invalidate the Taylor Principle in Closed and Open Economies? (with Alexander Mihailov), Economica, Vol. 82, pp. 938 – 975, London School of Economics / Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 
  • Is a Monetary Union Feasible for Latin America? Evidence from Real Effective Exchange Rates and Interest Rate Pass-Through Levels (with Marco Robles Sánchez), Estudios Económicos, Vol. 29, pp. 225 – 262, El Colegio de México, 2014. 
  • Designing a Greenhouse Gas Emission Market for Mexico (with David Cantala, Jaume Sempere), Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 1, pp. 135 – 141, Horizon Research, 2013. 
  • Should Central Banks Target Consumer or Producer Prices? International Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 445 – 479, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. 
  • Investment and Interest Rate Policy in the Open Economy, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 63, pp. 673 – 699, Oxford University Press, 2011.  

Documentos de trabajo / Working Papers

Conferencias seleccionadas / Selected Conferences 

  • 21st Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, Medellín, Colombia November 2016.
  • Sciences Po – El Colegio de México Economics Workshop | Paris, France October 2015.
  • The 2014 Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research (CGBCR) Annual Conference Manchester, UK July 2014.
  • The 2014 Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, Manchester, UK April 2014.
  • 28th Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Mexico City, November 2013.
  • 67th European Meeting of the Econometric Society Gothenburg, Sweden August 2013.
  • 65th European Meeting of the Econometric Society Oslo, Norway August 2011.
  • The 3rd Annual Cambridge-Oxford-London (COOL) Conference on Macroeconomics London, UK December 2010.
  • The 2010 Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, Sussex, UK March 2010.