Calderón Madrid, Ángel

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Grado académico: Doctor en Economía Cambridge University
Nombramiento: Profesor investigador

Doctor en Economía Cambridge University y profesor-investigador del Centro de Estudios Económicos de El Colegio de México.


Angel Calderón-Madrid holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Cambridge, a Master of Science from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Arts from ITAM, Mexico. He has been a professor of economics at El Colegio de Mexico since 1989 and an invited professor of economics at Science-Po, Paris.

In 2018 he held the Amexcid Chair lecture at the University of Tokyo. He obtained the first place in the two most prestigious prizes in economics in Mexico: The National BANAMEX Prize in 2008 and The Victor Urquidi Prize in 2005. In 2019 he was elected as a member of the Executive Committee of The The Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association for the period (2020-2024). He chaired the 2019 LACEA-LAMES Meeting in Puebla and co-chaired the 2013 LAMES Meeting in Mexico City.

He started his career as a macroeconomist working on the performance of the Mexican economy, on financial crisis, and on models of the effects of expansionary fiscal policies on exchange rate movements. He continued as a development economist focusing on the segmentation of labor markets, the dynamics of the unemployed and the effectiveness of public policies to help them find a permanent job. He has also published papers on the effects of NAFTA on manufacturing productivity and labor reallocation in Mexico as well as on the effects of resource misallocation on the survival patterns of small firms.

Among other impact evaluation studies of public policies, he analyzed the employability effects of training programs for the unemployed, designed a regression discontinuity design intervention to measure the effectiveness of government grants to support entrepreneurial innovative activities in Mexico and assessed the effectiveness on companies’ performance of tax credits to support entrepreneurial research and development projects.

In a prologue to one of his books written in 2010, the Nobel Prize Winner James Heckman referred to him as a “leading Mexican microeconomist and micro econometrician”.

He has been a consultant of the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the Corporación Andina de Fomento, the OECD in Paris, Mexico’s Science and Technology Council (CONACYT) and National Institute of Statistics (INEGI).