Calderón Madrid, Ángel

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Teléfono: +(52) 55 5449 3000
Extensión: 4058

Secretaria: Ceballos Valencia, Bertha L. ext. 3049
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  • Calderón-Madrid, A. (1995) The Role of Private Financial Wealth in a Portfolio Model: A Study of the Effects of Fiscal Deficits on the Real Exchange Rate. Millan Press Ltd., London.  


  • Calderón-Madrid, A. (2008) “Unemployment duration in Mexico: its determinants and implications for the labor market segmentation controversy and public policy design” (Presentado en “Conference on Employment and Development” May 5-6, 2008 en Rabat, Morocco; evento organizado por el Banco Mundial y el Institute of Labor Studies (IZA) en Bonn, Alemania). Este artículo obtuvo el Primer Lugar en la categoría de Investigación del PREMIO BANAMEX DE ECONOMIA 2008. 
  •  Calderon-Madrid, A. and A. Voicu (2007) “The NAFTA Tide: Lifting the Larger and Better Boats” IZA Discussion Paper No. 3207. En: 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2007) “Currency Crises and Institutional Changes in Latin America: Lessons from Mexico”. En The Euro and the Dollar in a Globalized Economy, editado por Joaquín Roy and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras. Ashgate Publishers. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2007) “Social Security Agencies, Welfare Costs and the Mobility of Workers Between Formal and Informal Job Status in Mexico”. En revisión para publicación. 
  •  Calderon-Madrid, A. (2006) “Training Programs for Unemployed in Developing Countries: Casual Jobs or Better and Sustained Jobs?” En revisión para publicación. Versión previa “Revisiting the Employability Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in Developing Countries”, InterAmerican Development Bank Research Network Working paper #R-522. En: 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2006) “Revisiting the Employability Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in Developing Countries” InterAmerican Development Bank Research Network Working paper #R-522. En: 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2006) “Impacto Intra e Intersectorial de las Trasnacionales en Productividad y Desempeño Exportador de las Empresas Manufactureras Mexicanas”. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. and Voicu, A. (2005) “Assessing heterogeneity of plant responses to trade liberalization in Mexico: productivity, labor reallocation and survival of manufacturing plants in NAFTA ”. En revisión para publicación. Versión previa en: 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2003) “Matching and Selection Methods to Measure the Impact on Wages of Training Programs for Unemployed Workers: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Mexican PROBECAT”. En revisión para publicación. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. y B. Trejo (2002) “The Impact of the Mexican Training Program for Unemployed Workers on Re-employment Dynamics and on Earnings”. En: 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2002) “Elasticidades precio e ingreso de la demanda de alimentos en México con base a datos de la encuesta nacional de ingreso y gasto de los hogares”. Mimeo COLMEX. Versión preliminar. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2007) “Output Fluctuations, Employment Protection Regulations and the Mobility of Workers Between Formal and Informal Job Status in Mexico”. En revisión para publicación. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2008) “Unemployment Dynamics in Mexico: Can Microdata Shed Light on the Controversy of Labor Market Segmentation in Developing Countries?” COLMEX. Mimeo. (Por ser presentado en “Conference on Employment and Development” May 5-6, 2008 en Rabat, Morocco; evento organizado por el Banco Mundial y el Institute of Labor Studies (IZA) en Bonn, Alemania. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. and Voicu, A. (2004) “Total Factor Productivity Growth and Job Turnover in Mexican Manufacturing Plants in the 1990s” , IZA Discussion Paper, no. 993, January. En: 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2002) “Job Stability and Labor Mobility in Urban Mexico: A Study Based on Duration Models and Transition Analysis”. Research Network Working Paper 419-2000, BID, en 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (1999) “Why Did Private Saving in Mexico Fall in Advance of the 1994 Crisis?” in Accounting for Saving: Financial Liberalization, Capital Flows and Growth in Latin America and Europe, compiled by C. Reinhart. Inter-American Development Bank, Latin American Research Network. Washington, D. C.
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (1997) “Incomplete Adjustment: Fiscal Policy, Private Savings and Current Account Deficits in Mexico since 1982″. En Jansen, K. y Vos, R. eds. (1997) External Finance and Adjustment, Failure and Success in the Developing World, MacMillan Press Ltd., London. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (2001) “Sheltering Effects of NAFTA: Performance of Mexican Exports to the U.S. Markets in View of Asian Countries Crisis of 1997-98”. Mimeo COLMEX. Versión preliminar. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (1999) “Reducing the Vulnerability of Mexican Public Finances to Oil Export Prices in View of the 1988 Experience: Alternative Hedging Strategies” Mimeo COLMEX. Versión preliminar. 
  •  Calderón-Madrid, A. (1998) “Explicaciones de la caída del ahorro en México desde tres perspectivas” Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Oficina del Economista Jefe. Serie Documentos de Trabajo de la Red de Centros R-346. Noviembre.